Friday, October 8, 2010

Welp.... I decided to start a blog. I have no promises on how often this thing will be updated. Everyone who has known me for longer than a day knows that I am full of ideas, but not always the best at carrying them out :). I am really really going to try to keep up with this. I was thinking about having a theme, but I couldn't narrow it done to one, so I think this blog will end up being a smorgasbord of how the Lord is working in our lives, recent crafts/projects I have done, decorating ideas, recipes, our travels, cute pictures of our puppy, books I am reading, and many other fun things :). The number one reason I made this blog is too stay connected with our family and friends that are far from Nashville. Enjoy!


  1. Hee Hee - oh the aspirations we have for ourselves...I have a blog - started back in the day, I get on it oh, every 6 mo or so:) lol - about the kids....then I was going to start a picture blog - like my life in pics - a picture a day, so to speak:)

    anyways - Love the layout:) Love you:) ~Theresa

  2. Yeah.... we'll see how this goes ;). Love you!
